Where Are They Now?


Larry Michaels

Also know as Larry "Vee" Flegle, D.B.A., CSE, CRO ... was Larry Michaels at WQYK 1974-75. Worked midnight to 6 am. and his boss was Jim Maloy.

Larry started radio at WAPG Arcadia and with WHAN, WIPC, WSIR, WINT, WXKL. He also worked at WBTG-FM and WPCG-FM. Larry has a degree in broadcasting from the University of South Florida.

He now runs AMU Internet Radio for American Military University, in Charles Town, WV and is a weathercaster for Radio Forecast Network (RFN).

Larry Flegle, D.B.A., CSE, CRO
Email: lflegle@windstream.net